- Accessible content request
- Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) case review referral
- Anti-social behaviour enquiry
- Application to review the premium charge on an empty home
- Apply for a property name change
- Apply for an Abbey Fields residents car park season ticket
- Apply for council tax reductions in special circumstances (Section 13a)
- Apprenticeship enquiry
- Business rate relief for village shops or businesses application
- Business rates - moving into a new property
- Business rates direct debit signup
- Business rates general enquiry
- Business rates hardship relief application
- Business rates relief for an empty property application
- Business rates relief for partly occupied property application
- Buy back of Council property request
- Car park enquiry
- Change of address - moving to a care home
- Change of address - moving within Warwick district
- Community centre booking
- Community litter pick enquiry
- Community partnership enquiry
- Community safety enquiry
- Complain about a licensed premise
- Complain about a street trader
- Contact us about your council house
- Contact us about your council house rent payments
- Contact us for housing advice
- Council complaint
- Council compliment
- Council tax and business rates recovery enquiry
- Council Tax discount for carers application
- Council tax discounts and exemptions application
- Council Tax general enquiry
- Direct debit signup for rent payments (Warwick District Council tenants only)
- Environmental permits consultation feedback
- Environmental permits enquiry
- Food safety general enquiry
- Footprint GPS tracker order
- Garden waste permit
- Health and safety general enquiry or complaint
- Hire our spaces / programme enquiries
- Holiday activity providers
- Housing team enquiry regarding leasehold payment options
- Inclusion of a building, structure or landscape to the Local List of Heritage Assets
- Licensing enquiry
- Lifeline enquiry
- Moving into new address (for students)
- Moving out of a business address
- Order a new or replacement waste container