If you are looking to report anti-social behaviour, please use Report antisocial behaviour | Warwickshire Police.
To see how we can help with anti-social behaviour, please visit - Anti-social behaviour - Warwick District Council.
To make an enquiry, please continue with this form.
Privacy notice
The personal data you provide will be used to investigate your enquiry and provide feedback as appropriate. Local Authorities have powers under the Anti-social Behaviour Crime & Policing Act to tackle anti-social behaviour. Local Authorities also have a range of investigative powers for law enforcement purposes. Accordingly, the information we process is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in us.
Your personal data may be shared with external agencies including the police authorities or other government bodies or agencies depending on the needs of an investigation and information will be held in accordance with our retention policy.
You have the right to access your personal data and to complain if you think your data is being used incorrectly. You may also have other rights, such as to have your data corrected or erased.
For the Data Controller and Data Protection Officer’s contact details and further information, please see our main privacy notice.