Please note that you will only have 20 minutes per page to complete this form.

Please ensure you have the following information to hand and documentation to upload before starting this form. If you do not have this when ready, the form may time out and your progress will not have been saved.

  • Your group/organisation goals and objectives
  • Number of members/service users and staff/volunteers currently involved
  • Project details, including timescales
  • Any supporting evidence that demonstrates a need for this project i.e. consultation feedback
  • Any evidence or estimates to justify costs and show value for money
  • Details of any other organisations working with you on the project and their contribution to the project
  • Details of any other grants you have applied for or use of your own resources
  • Latest bank statement showing account details and balance
  • Email confirmation from a Warwick District ward Councillor showing support for your project (see further information below)
  • Beneficiary registration number (if applicable)
  • Charity number (if applicable)
  • VAT number (if applicable)
  • National Governing Body Club Mark Accreditation - the date it was awarded (if applicable)
  • Copy of public liability insurance (minimum £5million)
  • Risk assessment for delivery of any activity
  • Copy of safeguarding or child protection policy
  • Copy of equality and diversity policy
  • Evidence of qualifications for any activity you will be delivering

Support from a ward councillor

This should be a ward councillor from the area the project is being delivered in. If the project is being delivered in different areas of the district then it should be a ward councillor from your club/group venue location if located in Warwick District.

If your venue location is not in Warwick District, then it should be a ward councillor from the area where the majority of the delivery of the project is taking place.

Privacy notice

When you complete this form, the information you include will be automatically sent to where Council officers will use the information you have given us in order to help you.

We may use your personal data so we can:

  • assess your grant application and to administer any payments of award(s)

We may share this information with officers from other Warwick District Council departments and the portfolio holder for Cultural Services in order to help us, but will only process and use personal data provided on the form to support the above defined process.

You can find out more about how we process and store your data by reading our privacy notice.