Publication scheme

Information covered by the publication

Most information is available on this website, although some historical data may have been removed. If you have difficulty accessing the website, cannot find what you are looking for or would prefer information in another format, please contact us. We may make a charge for copying documents. You may also make a request for personal data or other information

Local Government Transparency Code 2015

Information published under the Transparency Code

Classes of information

Who we are, what we do

Available information What is the information Accessibility

Council Constitution

The constitution is split into seven parts - see Council constitution


Council Democratic Structure

Details of Council, Executive, committees, working parties and other meetings, including their membership, dates of meetings, agendas and minutes of meetings. Public meetings


Council officer structure, departments and contact details

Details of the council’s officer structure – departments, the management team; contact details for all council departments and services - see This council


Location and opening times of Council properties

Location (including maps) of the council’s offices

Opening times and contact numbers

Locations and opening times of leisure centres, parks and other facilities 

Car parks, on street car parking, and related information


Councillors’ information and contact details

Details of current elected members of the Council and how to contact them; the committees and sub-committees on which they sit and other positions and responsibilities within the Council - see Decision making

Councillors’ register of interests and register of gifts and hospitality




By appointment

Recent election results

Results of elections (contested and uncontested) for District and Parish Councils - see Elections


Relationships with other authorities and organisations

Links to Warwickshire County Council and other organisations - see Neighbouring councils

Local organisations and individuals who work in partnership with the Council.

‘Warwickshire Compact’, an agreement between public sector bodies, voluntary and community organisations on principles that should govern working relationships between the two sectors: - see voluntary organisations


Particular roles of council officers

The functions and areas of responsibility of Council Officers, including the Chief Executive, Assistant Chief Executives, Strategic Directors, Heads of Service and Monitoring Officer. Council officers.


Standards Committee

The Council is legally obliged to have a Standards Committee.

The full role and responsibilities of Standards Committee are set out within Article 9 of the Warwick District Council’s Constitution (64kb, PDF)


What we spend and how

Available information What is the information Accessibility

Financial statements, budgets and variance reports

Annual Report and Statement of Accounts (going back several years)

Information about the Council’s finances, including budget and treasury management information, grant schemes, assisted travel scheme, fraud prevention, procurement, payment methods, etc - see council finances

Financial reports are regularly presented to the Finance & Audit Scrutiny Committee - see minutes and reports

On website

Capital programme


On website

Audit reports

The annual audit inspection letter from the Council’s external auditors, the Audit Commission see Council finances

On website

Members allowances scheme

The scheme for payment of allowances to members. Current details of amounts paid to individual members are available on request.

On website

Staff allowances and expenses

Details of allowances which may be claimed by staff for travel, subsistence and accommodation

On request

Staff grading and pay structure

Structure charts and staff grading for all employees

On request

Election expenses

Returns of election expenses required to be made to the Returning officer by those standing for election to the Council

On request

Procurement procedures and current contracts

The Council’s procedures for acquiring the goods, services and works it needs to provide its services. Details of current and forthcoming opportunities for doing business with the council

On website

Contracts awarded

Details of the award of contracts which have been tendered, and their value
(see ‘Committee Papers’ under ‘How we make decisions’)

On request

Financial statements for projects

For larger capital projects, financial reports on expenditure against budget.

On request

Internal financial regulations

The Council’s internal controls for regulating its finances - See Constitution

On website

Council finances

Details and links to information relating to the council's finances, including budget information, treasury management information, grant schemes, assisted travel scheme, fraud prevention, procurement, payment methods and members allowances

On website

Our priorities and how we are doing

Available information What is the information Accessibility

Corporate Strategy

Corporate strategy

On website

Annual Report

Gives an insight into how the income we receive has been spent on delivering services and achieving a range of successes in our priority areas - see link under Financial statements

On website

Service Plans

Various Council services produce annual plans of intended work for the coming year.

On request

Quarterly Performance Reports

View the performance reports submitted to our Senior Management Team. On website

Warwick District Community Plan 2020

A focus for the various organisations in the partnership to work together and sets priorities for their work. Community Plan.

On website

Inspection reports

Reports produced by the Audit Commission of inspections of particular council services. Statement of Accounts.

On website

How we make decisions

Available information What is the information Accessibility

Timetable of council meetings

Dates, times and venues for meetings of the Council, its Committees and other meetings, including information on whether members of the public can attend - see Councillors

On website

Committee papers

Agendas, reports and details of background papers for meetings of the Council, its Committees, working parties, sub-committees and other groups - see Councillors

Some background papers may only be available for inspection on request.

On website

Council Constitution

The constitution sets out the rules for how decisions are made and who is authorised to make them

On website

Major policy proposals and decisions

Many of the major policies of the Council, such as the Local Plan, go through a lengthy process of public consultation and draft proposals before being completed.

On website

Public consultations

The Council carries out frequent consultations with the public. Consultations Strategy, details of current and past consultation exercises, including details of outcomes - see Consultations

On website

Our policies and procedures

Available information What is the information Accessibility

Service Specific Plans and Strategies

The Council has produced a wide range of plans and strategies detailing priorities for particular services. A full list of strategies, plans and policies can be found at Strategies and Policies

On website

Service Standards

Several services have produced documents detailing the level of service which residents and customers may expect.

On website or on request

Policies and procedures for conducting Council business

The Constitution includes standing orders for the conduct of Council business, the powers and duties of committees and matters delegated to officers, and various Codes of Practice to guide the conduct of members and officers.

On website

Policies and Procedures about the recruitment and employment of staff

Equal Opportunities - which relates to recruitment of staff, plus the Equality and Diversity Policy and related action plans.

Information on the Council's duties in relation to Health and Safety, including a link to the Health and Safety Policy - see Health and safety requirements

Details of current vacancies

On website

Personal Data Policy

Data protection

On website

Asset Management Plan

How the Council proposes to manage its land, buildings and other assets, including data - asset management plan (275kb, PDF)

On website

Complaints Procedure

Compliments, complaints, complaints about Councillors and how to contact the Local Government Ombudsman - see compliments and complaints

On website

Lists and registers

Available information What is the information Accessibility

Planning Register

Details of Planning Applications and decisions

Decisions taken by Planning Committee, detailed in the minutes

On website or on request

Local Land Charges Register

The Local Land Charges Service is available for those purchasing property and land within the District. A local search discloses to the prospective purchaser information which may affect a particular property or plot of land. The Local Land Charges team maintain an up to date register which provides answers to search enquiries - see Land searches

By written or personal search (fees apply)

Licensing Registers

The Council issues licences, permits & registrations for a wide range of activities including alcohol, entertainment, taxis, lotteries, street trading, street collections, house to house collections & personal treatment licences. Further information, including links to a register of licenses - see Licensing

On website

Register of Councillors’ financial and other interests

Details of financial and other interests of Councillors

By appointment

Register of gifts and hospitality

Details of gifts and hospitality (over the value of £25) received by Councillors

By appointment

Electoral Register

Information about the Electoral Register, including Frequently Asked Questions and an application form

By appointment, information on website

Services provided by the council

Available information What is the information Accessibility

Services for business

Business support and advice for local companies, and information for those looking to relocate to the district. Business.


Services for communities

A variety of information relating to births, deaths and marriages, the local community (community safety, services for the elderly, charities, citizens advice, local organisations, what's on), census information and services provided by Warwickshire County Council. A community forum chatroom is also available. Community.


Community Safety

Community safety is the generic term for the statutory responsibilities placed on this authority within the Crime & Disorder Act (1998). 

Information on safer neighbourhoods, crime and disorder performance, domestic violence services and the Council’s community safety duty, visions and aims.


Environmental Health

The department’s responsibilities include air quality management, environmental protection, food safety, health and safety at work, infectious disease investigation, nuisances (including noise), pest control, animal welfare licensing, dog warden and drainage. Environmental health.



Apply for a council home, pay council rent or request a housing grant online. Also links to information about affordable housing requirements, council housing (including information on HomeChoice choice-based lettings), housing advice, housing associations and co-operatives, housing finance, improvement and repairs, multiple occupancy homes, private housing, supported and sheltered housing, and housing-related support services - see Housing


Leisure and culture

Arts and entertainment, children's activities, leisure centres and sports, libraries, parks, gardens and recreation, and what's on - See Leisure and culture



Alcohol and entertainment licensing, taxi and private hire vehicles, lotteries, street trading, street collections, house to house collections and personal treatment licences - see business licenses


News and communications

News announcements and Communications strategy (275kb, PDF)


Planning and Engineering

Planning and Engineering take responsibility for Planning policy, conservation, planning applications, planning enforcement, development control, building control, building regulations, engineering and floods  - see Planning



Information for visitors to the area, including places to stay, places to visit and events - see tourism and travel


Waste Management

Waste Management (Rubbish, waste and recycling) including information and online forms for reporting problems and requesting services


Services provided by Warwickshire County Council

For links to services provided by Warwickshire County Council, which include Births, Deaths and Marriages, Highways and Transportation, Libraries, Schools and Education, and Social Care visit

Publication scheme

The Freedom of Information Act requires all public authorities to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme (23kb, PDF)