Our commitment is to ensure equality of opportunity for all within the district; especially equality of access to the services we provide across different members of our communities. We recognise that serving our community well means, valuing not only the contribution of our workforce, but the diverse communities that we are here to support and deliver services to.
To do this we know we need to understand our customers and their individual or combined needs so we can provide better services that they use and require. Asking our customers for their views and opinions helps us to understand what our customers' want.
Warwick District Council Anti Hate Crime Statement
At Warwick District Council, we will not tolerate any form of hate crime. We fully recognise the serious and negative effect that hate crime has on victims and in our communities. Nobody should live in fear of abuse, violence, prejudice, or discrimination as a result of hateful actions. Everyone has the right to be visible, to be heard and live without fear.
We are committed to increasing the awareness of our staff on all areas of Equality and Diversity and continually deliver a variety of learning and development to support this.
Equality Impact Assessment Kit
Gender pay data
We publish information about our workforce gender pay gap annually.