We have developed a number of policies and strategies which contribute to our purpose.
Corporate strategy
This corporate strategy sets our vision for enhancing the district by playing to our strengths without shying away from tough decisions to tackle long-standing issues. It provides the basis to inform, prioritise and shape where the Council will focus its efforts, time and resources to help make the district a great place to live, work and visit by improving lives and our environment.
These strategies ensure that the council has the infrastructure in place to support the delivery of its purpose:
- Anti fraud and corruption policy (62kb PDF)
- Asset management plan 2008 (275kb, PDF)
- Channel strategy (690kb, PDF)
- Marketing and Communications strategy
- Equality objectives (PDF)
- Financial Strategy (577kb PDF)
- Digital Strategy 2030
- People strategy (PDF)
- Procurement strategy
- Risk management strategy (141kb PDF)
- Treasury Management Strategy (246kb PDF)
- Pay Policy Statements
These strategies have been tested to see what contribution they make to the themes within the Sustainable Community Strategy:
- Housing Anti Social Behaviour Policy and Procedures (54kb PDF)
- Housing Anti Social Behaviour Summary of Policy and Procedures (67kb PDF)
- Play Area Strategy 2007-2012 (1.2MB, PDF)
These have been developed because there is a legal requirement or because the council considers it important that such a strategy is in place:
- Air quality action plan
- Climate Emergency Action Programme
- Complaints policy
- Contaminated land inspection strategy
- Enforcement policy
- Fuel Poverty Strategy
- Litter bin policy
- Loans policy
- Noise policy
- Plastics policy
- South Warwickshire Economic Strategy (SWES)
- Tree & woodland strategy
- Website accessibility policy
Local Plan
We are preparing a new Local Plan for Warwick District, which will guide the area's future development for the next 15 years: