Our procurement team provide advice and guidance on the procurement of all goods, works, and services purchased by the Council, in line with our procurement strategy, code of procurement practice (contract procedure rules) and all UK procurement regulations. This is to ensure that we always achieve value for money, and that resources are used in the most advantageous manner to achieve the most effective outcome.
To find out about public sector contracts, please visit the governments Find a Tender Service. Please note, you will need to register on this website to be eligible to be awarded contracts.
If you are interested in bidding for procurement opportunities with Warwick District Council, please visit our e-tendering portal and register.
Payments to suppliers
For all purchases that we raise that are not covered by a live contract, the following terms and conditions will apply.
For information on all spend over £250 made to suppliers, please view the sections entitled payments to suppliers within our finances.
Live contracts
Current contracts register: This contains all contracts that we currently use, including values, start, end, and review dates.
Current tender opportunities
We operate an e-tendering process for all procurement opportunities over the value of £5,000.
Our buyer profile site lists all current tender opportunities.
Suppliers need to register on the site before they can view and download tender documentation. In all cases, the tender process is electronic and documents must be submitted via the portal.
Market engagement
We are keen to engage with the market ahead of formally procuring a contract. For more information on these opportunities, please visit csw-jets and look out for projects entitled pre-market engagement.
Procurement support service to micro, small and medium size enterprises
In order to overcome barriers around having capacity and capability to bid for procurement opportunities, we are looking to provide free training and mentoring for local SMEs in coordination with other partners. This could include:
- Advice on preparing a bid: such as evidencing the types of policies and procedures required by larger organisations regarding equal opportunities, health, and safety and so on. Exemplars provided to demonstrate the structure and key points of successful bids.
- Tender workshops: such as Working with the Public Sector, Introduction to Tendering and Improving your Bid Score.
Procurement codes, policies, and guide
We spend approximately £40 million each year with organisations of all sizes, with a wide range of commercial opportunities. Our procurement strategy ensures the best use of limited resources in support of our objectives in delivering consistently high quality services that meet users’ needs with consideration to long-term sustainability.
- How to do business with Warwick District Council - guide for suppliers and service providers. See also our common tendering mistakes
- Code of procurement practice
- Procurement strategy
- Sustainable procurement policy
- Ethical procurement statement
- Social value policy statement
Corporate contractors
We have appointed approved suppliers for certain commodities via overarching Deeds of Appointment and Council owned framework contracts. We also utilise a number of framework agreements available to the public sector via a number of buying consortiums including CCS, ESPO, YPO and Fusion 21.
We are constantly looks for ways in which to improve efficiency and drive down costs. If you would like any further information on this topic or to offer suggestions, please contact the Strategic Procurement & Creditors Manager via the Procurement Team email.
Social Value
We are looking for private sector Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitments within all contracts valued at £50,000 or above to fulfil our Social Value objectives. For more information on our social value, please view the social value policy statement linked under procurement codes, policies, and guides.
In addition, to review potential organisations for collaborative opportunities available within Warwick district, which could be offered as part of your CSR commitments, please view our voluntary sector page.
How did we do?
We are always striving to undertake best practice procurement to ensure that we get value for money for the public purse. To help us achieve this, please send any queries or concerns to the procurement team at the below details.
If you are not satisfied with the procurement services that we provide, whether it is supplier engagement, tendering or contract management, please contact us at compliments and complaints.
You can also visit public procurement review service for more help - Public Procurement Review Service - CCS
To formerly challenge a decision for an above threshold contract award, please contact the High Court of England and Wales.
Contact the procurement team
Email: procurement.purchasing@warwickdc.gov.uk
Telephone: 01926 456218