Warwick District Council has an Audit & Standards Committee. The Committee has two main purposes:

  • (1) to promote and maintain high standards of conduct and governance within the Council and within the Parish and Town Councils within the District;
  • (2) to act as the Audit Committee for the Council.

The full role and responsibilities of the committee are set out within the Warwick District Council’s Constitution.

Audit & Standards Committee meetings are held at Shire Hall, Market Place, Warwick. Meetings are video and audio recorded and subsequently uploaded on our YouTube channel.

Videos will appear shortly after the meeting takes place, and the recording of the meeting will be kept on YouTube for later viewing. Interested parties may also register to speak at the meeting.

Broadcasts of the meeting will be available for 12 months, after which, they will change to a private video.

Agendas and minutes

Agendas, reports and meeting minutes.

Committee members

The committee comprises: 12 Warwick District Council Councillors.

The 12 Warwick District Council Councillors are appointed to the committee at the annual Council meeting.

Committee members (select the Members tab)

Complaints about councillors

The Audit & Standards Committee is responsible for complaints about all Warwick District Council Councillors and Parish/Town Councillors within Warwick district, in relation to any potential breach of the Code of Conduct for Councillors.

If you feel that a councillor has broken the requirements of their Code of Conduct or law, it should be reported to the Monitoring Officer through the process below.

Complaints process 

Other Documents