You must always clean up after your dog, not just after fouling has been pointed out to you. Being unaware that your dog has fouled, or having no 'poop scoop' or bag to pick it up with are not reasonable excuses for not picking up the mess. The only exception to the law is for dogs in the charge of people who are registered as being blind.

It costs us each time we clean up dog waste. Please help us combat this antisocial behaviour. Dog excrement can lead to an infection which causes blindness.

Report dog fouling

Please report if you know anyone who is guilty of not picking it up:

Report dog fouling

You can also call us on 01926 456741.

Where to put dog waste

Dog excrement can be put in any of the litter bins on the street or in parks and open spaces as long as it is in a disposable bag. Alternatively, please take it home and dispose of it with your household rubbish in your grey bin.  

The fouling of land by dogs order

The fouling of land by dogs (Warwick District Council) order 2011 requires owners to remove faeces deposited by their dog from any land to which the public have access in Warwick district and which is open to the air (including land which is covered but open to the air on at least one side).

People contravening the order may be prosecuted through the courts (maximum fine £1,000) or given a fixed penalty charge. 

Pay a dog fouling charge.