If you have concerns about the height of a neighbour's hedge you should initially approach your neighbour to talk to them about the problem and try to reach a mutably agreeable solution. You may also wish to consider contacting Mediation Support on 07594 653530. In all cases, before the council can accept a complaint, you must be able to demonstrate that you have made every attempt to resolve the problem through mediation.
What hedges are covered?
Hedges that are covered by the High Hedges legislation
- Be wholly or predominantly evergreen or semi-evergreen.
- Consist of a line of two or more trees or shrubs..
- Be at least 2m in height from natural ground level at the point from which the hedge is growing.
- Form a barrier to light or access.
- Adversely affect your enjoyment of your property by virtue of its height.
How do I make a complaint about a high hedge?
Complaints must be made in writing and must demonstrate the steps that you have taken to resolve the issue. You must also set out in detail the ways in which the height of the hedge is interfering with your enjoyment of your property. The fee for the Council's investigations is £440. Download our application/complaint form (PDF) and send it to:
Warwick District Council
Planning Enforcement
Town Hall
Royal Leamington Spa
CV32 4AT
It is likely that the Council's investigation which includes a site inspection and the provision of information from your neighbour will take at least 12 weeks.
Appealing the decision
If you wish to appeal a high hedge complaint decision, please see the procedure guidance and appeal form.
Further information
You can find more information about resolving high hedge disputes in our high hedges leaflets or in the Gov.uk High hedges section. You can also check The Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003.
For information on how we handle and process your personal data, please visit the Enforcement Privacy Notice page.
Contact us
For further information call 01926 456520 or email planningenquiries@warwickdc.gov.uk