Business and jobs
Jobs, Licensing, Procurement, Business rates, Business support, Business grants All Business and jobsHealth, social care and safety
Food safety, Social services, Community safety, Animal welfare, Lifeline, COVID-19 All Health, social care and safetyHousing
Apply for housing, Benefits, Rent, Repairs, Private housing, Homelessness, Leaseholders, Tenants All HousingLeisure and culture
Parks, Leisure centres, Outdoor sports, Royal Spa Centre, Royal Pump Rooms, Arts All Leisure and culturePlanning
Planning applications, Building regs, Policy, Conservation, Planning staff, HS2, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) All PlanningRecycling, waste and environment
Rubbish and recycling, Environmental health, Sustainability and climate change, Pests All Recycling, waste and environmentRoads, parking and transport
Parking, Public transport, Roads and streets, Maps and directions All Roads, parking and transportYour Council
Council tax, Councillors, Committees, Elections, Register to vote, Departments, Have your say All Your Council
Cost of living support
With spiralling energy bills, food, and transport costs, we know that many households in our district will be struggling.

Biodiversity Action Programme
Our Biodiversity Action Programme sets out our strategic approach to 2050 to help create a district that is rich in nature, by halting biodiversity loss and putting nature on a path to recovery.

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Latest news
Warwick District Council supports interim plan for local government reorganisation in Warwickshire
Councillors at Warwick District Council yesterday, Thursday 20 March, agreed to support the District Council's interim plan for local government reorganisation in Warwickshire.
South Warwickshire Local Plan Preferred Options consultation – response statistics
Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils thank all respondents to the South Warwickshire Local Plan consultation, which closed on 7 March 2025.
What's on
Family Tours at The Lord Leycester
Join one of our costumed characters on an interactive journey through the Lord Leycester. Discover the story of medieval guildsmen, Tudor nobility and the Master and Brethren of the Lord Leycester.
The Women of The Lord Leycester Talk
“This is a man’s place”, wrote writer Mary Raphael when she visited the Lord Leycester Hospital in the 1920s.