Please complete this form to request CCTV footage.

Privacy statement

The personal data that you provide will be used to allow us to consider and process the request for the reviewing of CCTV data held by Warwick District Council.

The legal basis for this is that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the local authority.

We share personal information with partner agencies. Any sharing of data is undertaken using secure lines of communication or face to face where all parties present are part of; and compliant with the Warwickshire Sharing of Information Protocol. In some cases, we will share information with third parties who are not partner agencies but have an interest in the particular matter. In such a case, we will only share information that is necessary and will ensure that the data is handled confidentially and securely and in accordance with the data protection legislation.

You have the right to access your personal data and to complain if you think your data is being used incorrectly. You may also have other rights, such as to have your data corrected or erased. For full details on your personal data rights, Data Controller and Data Protection Officer’s contact details and further information, please see the main privacy notice.

Access to images by third parties will only be allowed in limited and prescribed circumstances. In the case of the Warwick District Council CCTV scheme, disclosure will be limited to the following:

  • a) law enforcement agencies where the images recorded would assist in a specific criminal enquiry
  • b) prosecution agencies
  • c) legal representatives
  • d) the media, where it is assessed by the Police that the public’s assistance is needed in order to assist in the identification of victim, witness or perpetrator in relation to a criminal incident. As part of that assessment the wishes of the victim of an incident should be taken into account.
  • e) The people whose images have been recorded and retained (Data Subject) unless disclosure to an individual would prejudice the criminal enquiries or criminal proceedings.

All requests for access or for disclosure will be recorded. If access or disclosure is denied, the reason should be documented.

If access to or disclosure of the images is allowed, details will be documented.