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Instructions and privacy

Please note that you will only have 20 minutes per page to complete the online form.

We recommend that you read the guidance notes in advance and prepare the necessary information and documents before you begin your online grant application. If you do not have this information to hand, the form may time out and your progress will not have been saved.

Privacy statement

The information that you provided in your application form, and any subsequent information you provide in relation to the grant scheme, will be held securely on file on Warwick District Council’s server for up to 6 years. We keep unsuccessful grant application forms for up to 6 months. We will then dispose of your information by deleting it from the Warwick District Council server. The Council is permitted to lawfully process and store your data because it is necessary to assess your application / future applications to the grant scheme and to monitor the terms of your Grant Agreement should you be successful. As it is responsible for allocating public funds the Council also has a legal obligation to use your data in order to prevent fraud and ensure necessary financial compliance, as set out in the Local Government Act 1972 and the Local Government Act 2000.

We will use this application form and any information you give to us, including any personal data as referred to in our Privacy Notice, for the following purposes:

  1. To decide whether to award you a grant and administer payments of awards.
  2. To provide copies to other individuals or organisations who are helping us assess and monitor grants.
  3. To hold in our database and use for statistical, reporting, and auditing purposes.
  4. If we offer you a grant, we will publish information about you relating to the activity we have funded, including the amount of the grant and the activity it was for. This information may appear in our press releases, in our print and online publications, and in the publications or websites of Warwick District Council.
  5. As an organisation that gives out public funds, we may carry out checks on the personal and financial information you provide us for the prevention and detection of fraud. If you provide false, fraudulent, or inaccurate information in your application or at any point in the lifetime of any funding agreement we enter into with you, we may share the information about you with other Council departments or other relevant external bodies to prevent fraud and money laundering. If we identify or suspect fraudulent activity, we will report this to the police and take appropriate action.

Warwick District Council is a public organisation that works with partners to provide public services, therefore we must adhere to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. To do this, we may need to share your information. Wherever possible, we will do this in a way that balances your individual rights against the rights of the requester.

Please let us know when any of your contact details change by contacting the Arts Officer. You have the right to know what information we hold about you and we try to make sure it is correct.

You have the right to access your personal data and to complain if you think your data is being used incorrectly. You may also have other rights, such as to have your data corrected or erased. For full details on your personal data rights and for the Data Controller and Data Protection Officer’s contact details, please see Warwick District Council’s main Privacy Notice.