Please complete each section of this form, as this will help the Planning Officer provide a comprehensive response to your enquiry.
Please note that pre-application advice is only an informal opinion and should not be construed to constitute a formal or guaranteed outcome. It does not prejudice the formal consideration of any subsequent planning application received by the Council against local and national planning policies and any statutory and public consultation responses.
Requests for pre-application advice for proposals will not usually be made publicly available.
Freedom of Information
If the Council receives a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) or Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) to disclose information relating to this preapplication enquiry we are obliged to do so unless the information falls under one of the exemptions (FOI) or exceptions (EIR) set out in legislation, i.e. is commercially sensitive. If you believe that certain areas of your enquiry would meet these criteria please set out below the reasons why, and for how long, any information relating to this enquiry should remain confidential. The Council will consider your views however the final decision on whether the information should be disclosed will rest with the Council.
Privacy statement
For information on how we handle and process your personal data, please ready the planning privacy notice.