Published: Wednesday, 1st June 2022

Dear friends

On the eve of the Platinum Jubilee, as we come together to celebrate Her Majesty’s 70 remarkable years of public service, we share tributes for all that Queen Elizabeth II has given to our country and to the Commonwealth. Her Majesty’s example of selfless and steadfast leadership continues to be a constant and steadying influence, even in the most turbulent of times. 

Across our towns and villages, a sea of bunting has appeared, as the final preparations are made for a long weekend of celebrations:

  • The festivities start in Warwick’s Market Place tomorrow (Thursday 2 June) from 12 noon to 7pm, with an array of live music and entertainment
  • That evening at 9pm, we’ll be gathering in Leamington’s Pump Room Gardens to light our beacon, joining thousands of other Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons being lit across the UK
  • On Friday 3 June the focus will be on Kenilworth’s Jubilee Market and Warwick Road Street Party which gets underway from 10am
  • Then on Saturday at 11am, it’s a return to the Pump Room Gardens for Leamington’s Right Royal Picnic!

Interspersed with these larger events are dozens of street parties and other celebrations for every community across the district to enjoy.

We’re especially grateful to the superstars who have worked so hard to ensure the necessary permissions and other safety measures have been put in place. Not only have many of our colleagues been involved, but in particular we’re grateful to the Legal Services team as well as our trusted friends at CJ’s Events Warwickshire Limited. Together, an enormous amount of work has been done so we can all safely enjoy this welcome celebration. Many thanks to you all.

In other news during this short working week:

  • Kenilworth Leisure Centres. The creation of a ‘state of the art’ new leisure centre at Castle Farm is now a step closer with the formal signing of contracts with AR demolition and Kier. This follows an extended period of careful and determined negotiations by our diligent project team who have been busy getting the best deal possible at a time of rising building costs and supply chain issues.
  • Trees Call to Action Fund. Our partners at Heart of England Forest have been successful in winning a grant of almost £500k, which will help us plant and maintain even more trees. Sponsored by DEFRA, the Forestry Commission and The National Lottery Heritage Fund and in partnership with neighbouring authorities, the Heart of England Forest will lead this three-year project to increase tree coverage, providing a powerful boost for our ‘Trees for our Future’ campaign.
  • Commonwealth Games. Preparations are really gathering pace, and to find out how you can get involved, why not visit the ‘Get Set for the Games’ drop in session on Monday 6 June at Shire Hall, Warwick from 5.30pm to 7pm. Representatives from the Games Organising Committee, Transport West Midlands, the Police and other authorities will be on hand to answer your questions. Also A reminder to our local sports clubs and community groups that grants up to £2,500 are available from Think Active for schemes to encourage us all get active. 

And finally… these Jubilee Celebrations kick off and amazing summer of events across the district. So that you don’t miss out on anything, hot off the press is our colourful new Events Guide, copies of which are available at the Visitor Centres in Leamington and Warwick or for a sneak preview, here.

Keep smiling and enjoy a wonderful Jubilee weekend.

Cllr Andrew Day
Leader, Warwick District Council

Chris Elliott
Chief Executive, Warwick District Council

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