Residents who wish to have their garden waste collected can now apply for a permit under a new subscription scheme which has been introduced by Warwick District Council.
From 1 August households who would like to have their grass cuttings, weeds, leaves or branches removed from their green wheeled bin will need to have registered and paid a fee to the Council in order to receive their permit.
The cost of the new fortnightly service from 1 August 2022 to 31 March 2023 is £20, with a revised annual fee (to be confirmed) applicable from April 2023.
Councillor Alan Rhead, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Neighbourhood Services commented:
“There has been a significant rise in the cost of the waste collection service due to various external factors, it has therefore not been possible to maintain a free garden waste collection service paid for through Council Tax. As a result we are regretfully having to introduce a fee for this discretionary service. The initial £20 charge to April 2023 equates to about 60p per week and will be reviewed later this year, as we endeavour to keep it as affordable as possible.”
“Households in the district who do not wish to subscribe will continue to have the option of taking their garden waste to the Recycling Centres at Princes Drive in Leamington or Cherry Orchard in Kenilworth. Alternatively some residents may prefer to home compost their uncooked food and garden waste and at the same provide themselves with a free soil conditioner. Further information on composting is available from Warwickshire County Council.”
A new South Warwickshire 123+ refuse collection system starting from August will see the introduction of separate kerbside food waste collections every week in addition to a fortnightly co-mingled recycling service.
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