Following a change in Government regulations, all Warwick District Council committee meetings have now returned to Leamington Town Hall.
With a busy schedule of planning meetings taking place over three evenings this week, the Council’s Committee Services Team is strongly encouraging the public not to attend in person due to the restricted amount of space available. These meetings have generated a high level of interest with several members of the public wishing to speak. As a result, both the chamber and public gallery are likely to reach their capacity.
Warwick District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Transformation, Cllr Richard Hales commented;
“Although we’re delighted to return to face to face meetings, we are also mindful that we still have to put some social distancing measures in place to keep those taking part safe. We therefore recommend that those wishing to watch these meetings should do so remotely via our YouTube channel.”
He added;
“It’s been a ‘challenging’ experience running our meetings virtually, but we recognise that there have been some real benefits too. Feedback clearly indicates the importance of continuing to broadcast our meetings, generating improved levels of engagement with more than 11,500 views of our YouTube channel videos since May 2020 (including over 771 views of a single planning meeting).”
The three planning meetings will take place on Tuesday 18, Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 May at 6pm and can be viewed live by subscribing to the Council’s YouTube Channel.
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