Early evaluations indicate that recent measures taken by Warwick District Council to provide a site for endangered grass nesting birds to breed on St Mary’s Lands appear to be working.
In late February the Council installed temporary fencing around an area known as the Lammas Field where Skylarks and Meadow Pipits have historically laid their eggs in the long grass, a move which is strongly supported by Warwickshire Wildlife Trust;
The Director of Reserves and Community Engagement at the Trust, Karl Curtis commented:
“To successfully breed these species need wide areas of long grass, which aren’t bordered too closely with other vegetation such as trees and hedges, the area chosen is therefore the perfect habitat. It’s essential that space is made for nature and protecting the small area from disturbance for the breeding season means that visitors to St Mary’s Lands can enjoy the sweet song of Skylarks, just a stone’s throw from Warwick town centre.”
Local Councillor Liam Bartlett (Warwick, Aylesford Ward) has been chatting to dog owners and other users of the parkland during his regular visits. He commented:
“I’m very pleased with the positive feedback I’ve received about the work we are doing to protect our native birds. Local bird-watchers have already observed a number of skylarks revisiting the site and displaying behaviour that demonstrates that they feel protected there. We’re cautiously optimistic that they will now go on to successfully breed.”
Local resident Bryony Dunnell, who regularly walks her dog around the Racecourse and St Mary’s Lands added;
“Once I realised what the fencing is for, I fully understood the need for it to protect the nesting birds. It only affects a small area and there is still plenty of space for me to exercise my dog.”
A Local Wildlife Evaluation of St Mary’s Lands undertaken in 2011 and an Ecology Study performed in 2019 have shown a 25% decrease in pairs of Skylarks and a 40% reduction in Meadow Pipits. Further estimates taken during 2020/21 have indicated a further decline.
The fencing and signage will be in place until early September.
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