The Chairman and Vice Chairman of Warwick District Council will be joining the Mayors of Royal Leamington Spa and Warwick and the Royal British Legion on Saturday 15th August.
The date marks the 75th anniversary of VJ Day (Victory over Japan) and the end of the Second World War.
Councillors Martyn Ashford and Pam Redford and their consorts will be attending commemoration services to be held in the Fusiliers Chapel of St Mary’s Church in Warwick and the Royal Leamington Spa War Memorial in Euston Place.
Councillor Ashford commented;
“While we are unable to mark this anniversary, with the larger scale events originally planned, we hope that people across the district will take a few minutes out of their day to remember and recognise all those who served and sacrificed in the Far East and ultimately brought an end to the Second World War.”
Please note that this is a private event. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, public events are not able to take place. Much like VE Day, residents are encouraged to celebrate at home.
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