We are seeking the views of residents and businesses in Warwick district on the renewal of the district’s Public Spaces Protection Orders.
A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) is intended to deal with anti-social or nuisance behaviour in public spaces that are detrimental to the local community’s quality of life. PSPOs were introduced in 2017 and must be reviewed every three years.
Warwick district currently has Public Spaces Protection Orders in place for a Restricted Drinking Zone (RDZ) which covers the entirety of the district, and Dog Control Orders for a number of open spaces, parks, cemeteries and play areas.
In a consultation opening on 14 July, the Council is asking residents and businesses to give their views on whether they support the implementation of an ‘Intoxicating Substances’ order to cover Warwick district.
The Intoxicating Substances PSPO will maintain the current conditions of the restricted drinking zone for the district, as well as making it an offence for a person ‘without reasonable excuse to breach the PSPO in terms of ingestion, inhalation, injection, smoking or otherwise of an intoxicating substance’.
Councillor Judy Falp, Portfolio Holder for Health & Community Protection, said: “Public Spaces Protection Orders are designed to ensure that the law-abiding majority are able to enjoy our public spaces, safe from anti-social behaviour.
“The Restricted Drinking Zone has proven effective, with Street Marshals in Leamington Spa able to confiscate alcohol from members of the public in the town centre and in doing so, reducing the possibility of anti-social behaviour.
“As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, when licensed premises return to trading we have been advised that the majority of businesses will be utilising additional outdoor spaces for customers to consume alcohol. This is likely to have an impact on the levels of alcohol related incidents across the district for the foreseeable future, and it is for this reason that we are proposing to maintain the current district-wide order for the next three years.
“I would encourage our residents to let us know their thoughts on the renewal of the PSPOs, and whether there are any areas of the district they are keen for us to focus on.”
View the proposals and complete the survey.
The consultation will close on 11 August 2020.
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