Warwick District Council is amongst the fastest local authorities in the country to have processed applications for government grants to support local companies through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Payments of almost £24million has been sent out to businesses within ten working days.
According to government figures received from the Department for Business Energy and Industry, Warwick District is in the top 15% of Council’s, having administered and paid all of the claims received equating to 68% of the eligible grant funds.
Warwick District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Finance, Councillor Richard Hales commented;
“I would like to thank the Finance team for their tireless efforts to ensure that all eligible businesses in our district can take advantage of the support that is available to them. We know that our work is far from complete and are now in the process of contacting companies and individuals who have not yet applied. Our attention will then turn to the steps we can take to help our local economy to recover as quickly as possible after the lock down ends.”
Information about business support and grants.
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