A public consultation has just been launched on a development plan document (DPD) which will determine the future of the district’s canal-sides.
This document is in line with Warwick District Council’s Local Plan and the designation of a Canal Conservation Area earlier this year.
The document will provide policies which will guide the Council in the determination of planning applications along the district’s 40km of waterways, which include sections of both the Grand Union and Stratford-upon-Avon Canals. This will then help to inform future planning decisions on residential development, areas which would benefit from a face-lift, change of use of sites, environmental and social issues, access and tourism potential.
Warwick District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Development Services Cllr John Cooke commented;”
“This is yet another opportunity that the Council is actively pursuing to encourage healthy and environmental friendly activities as we tackle the challenges of Climate Change. Our canals are a major heritage asset linking our historic towns with the countryside and strengthening Warwick District’s character, economy and tourism offer. I therefore would encourage anyone with an interest in their future, whether you are a narrowboat enthusiast, live or work close to the canal or enjoy spending time walking, jogging or cycling along the towpaths to share your views.”
Three documents; the draft DPD, The Sustainability Appraisal and the Non-Technical Summary of the Sustainability Appraisal are now the subject of a public consultation which is available on the Warwick District Council website until Monday 2 December 2019.
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