Published: Monday, 17th June 2019

At the first meeting of Warwick District Council’s new Executive, Councillors unanimously recommended the purchase of 25 new homes in Barford for affordable housing.

Subject to funding approval by the Full Council the homes will include fifteen to be made available at social rent levels.  

Warwick District Council’s new portfolio holder for Housing and Property Services, Cllr Jan Matecki is keen to continue the work of his predecessors, he commented; 

“This new scheme is one of many we will be bringing forward over the next four years to increase the Council’s housing stock to include social rented homes. Our £13 million flagship development of 81 new council homes at Sayer Court in Leamington three years ago, set the benchmark for the future of council housing in our district and we are determined to continue with our ambitious programme. The new Council is also addressing the issues of rough sleeping and homelessness through the work we are doing at our direct access hostel (William Wallsgrove House) that opened in September 2018 to reduce the number of people living rough on our streets and to provide them with the specialist support and skills they need to live independently.” 

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