Four landlords pleaded guilty to various offences
Warwick District Council is clamping down on landlords who fail to manage and licence their properties or comply with licence conditions.
Four landlords pleaded guilty to various offences in the Magistrates Court, Nuneaton and Bedworth and were fined a total of £13,500 plus costs.
Case 1
Monika Baty landlord of a property in Avenue Road, Royal Leamington Spa pleaded guilty to having more people in the property than the Licence permitted and was fined £2,500 plus costs.
Warwick District Council had issued a licence to let the property as a House in Multiple Occupation which included a condition that no more than 6 people could occupy the property and that the basement rooms could not be used for living accommodation. Following complaints from tenants in the property a council officer visited in August 2013 and discovered the basement rooms were occupied, and there were a total of 10 people residing. Previous warnings had been disregarded by Mrs Baty.
Case 2
Delwar King pleaded guilty to failure to licence a property in Forfield Place, Royal Leamington Spa other offences relating to repairs and management of the property and was fined £5000 plus costs.
Case 3
Hardip Singh Hothi pleaded guilty to failure to licence a property in Saltisford, Warwick and was fined £3500 plus costs.
Warwickshire Fire Service was called out to a fire at the property in June 2013 and Council officers carried out an investigation which found that the property should have been licensed as a House in Multiple Occupation at the time of the fire.
Case 4
Lakbir Atwal pleaded guilty to failing to licence a property in Tachbrook Road, Royal Leamington Spa despite numerous reminders and was fined £2500 plus costs.
Advice and support
Councillor Vincett, Warwick District Council Housing Portfolio Member said, "The vast majority of landlords work well with the Council and provide good quality accommodation. However my officers will not hesitate to enforce the law where tenant’s health and safety is at risk and landlords blatantly disregard the law. The Private Sector Housing Team works hard to safeguard vulnerable tenants in the sector and I encourage all landlords and tenants who require advice, help or support to contact the team on 01926 456733 or via email to"
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