Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils thank all respondents to the South Warwickshire Local Plan consultation, which closed on 7 March 2025.
The Councils received a total of 19,367 representations via the South Warwickshire Local Plan online portal from 4,682 respondents during the consultation period.
There are a further 1,402 respondent submissions which need adding to the online portal system, which were received as emails and handwritten responses via the post. The exact number of representations this will create, will be established in a few weeks’ time once the information has been inputted.
Accordingly, a grand total of 6,084 respondent submissions were received from the consultation exercise.
In terms of the next steps, once all the information has been logged, the team will be reviewing the responses in detail to help inform the next stage of the South Warwickshire Local Plan.
A consultation statement will also be prepared later on in the year which will provide more information.
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