Published: Thursday, 20th March 2025

The Council is once again taking part in No Mow May, with a focus on ensuring both residents’ enjoyment of their local area, and the benefits to plants and wildlife that the initiative provides.

Following feedback from residents and Councillors in previous years, the Council has selected certain verges and green spaces in the District to take part in No Mow May, based on their size and potential to improve and support biodiversity.

The areas identified are being finalised before the scheme begins, with details of their locations available on the Warwick District Council website within the next month. Road safety is key, so the Council’s contractors idverde will continue to mow a 1m strip at the edge of the chosen verges throughout May.

In addition, and in alignment with the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP), the Council has identified specific grass verges to trial for improving roadside biodiversity. This initiative, called the Wildflower Verge Trial, will involve reducing the mowing frequency to once per year and removing the grass cuttings, where appropriate, to prevent nutrient enrichment.

The Council will monitor these verges throughout the trial to assess the need for wildflower seeding and plan to conduct species surveys to gauge the success of the trial. Officers aim to collaborate with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and engage residents in the surveys and seeding efforts.

Each year the council reviews No Mow May in preparation for the following year, considering the feedback received from residents, ward councillors and our contractors.

The Council wants to continue supporting this initiative, providing a much-needed boost for insects and pollinators. That’s why this year, there will be a greater focus on meadow areas, benefitting them for a greater period.

Taking part in No Mow May at home is simple. Even the smallest of gardens can create a haven for plants and creatures and support the biodiversity of our natural environment. Perhaps you will learn to love the wild look of blooming plants and flowers and enjoy the bees and butterflies they attract.

If you want to update your neighbours, then you can download one of the new “I’m Supporting No Mow May” posters, pop it in your window to show your support, or better still, knock their door and ask them to join you!

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