Published: Wednesday, 3rd July 2024

The latest postal vote figures for the Warwick & Leamington, Kenilworth & Southam Constituencies, and Leamington Clarendon Ward have been released by Warwick District Council.

Overall, the council has received 77% of postal votes for the constituency of Warwick & Leamington, 78% for the Kenilworth and Southam constituency and 66% for the Leamington Clarendon town by-election. These figures align with the overall turnout for postal votes in previous general elections, where turnout was around 80% for general elections in 2015, 2017, and 2019.

Postal votes will still be able to be returned by voters on Polling Day on Thursday 4 July by returning to a polling station in their constituency on election day, from 7am -10pm.

They can also be handed to the Reception Staff at The Town Hall on the Parade in Leamington Spa, which will be open from 8:30am until 10pm on polling day. If your postal vote is handed in at the Town Hall or Polling Station, you will be required to complete a declaration form.

If you have not received your postal vote, you can request it be re-issued up to 5pm on polling day. This can only be done by calling 01926 456105 to request it, and then you will need to collect it from the Saltisford 1 office in Warwick.

To find out where your nearest polling station is located to hand-deliver your postal vote, please visit our polling station page. Polling station staff will provide you with a form to complete.

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