News published March 2025
Warwick District Council supports interim plan for local government reorganisation in Warwickshire
Councillors at Warwick District Council yesterday, Thursday 20 March, agreed to support the District Council's interim plan for local government reorganisation in Warwickshire.
South Warwickshire Local Plan Preferred Options consultation – response statistics
Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils thank all respondents to the South Warwickshire Local Plan consultation, which closed on 7 March 2025.
Open Day to celebrate and showcase Lillington’s new health hub
A day of celebrations is to be held to mark the official opening of the Lillington Health Hub.
The boys will be getting their bins
Both the men’s and women’s public toilets throughout the district will be fitted with sanitary bins, thanks to a Councillor led campaign.
Wildflower verges the focus for this years No Mow May
The Council is once again taking part in No Mow May, with a focus on ensuring both residents’ enjoyment of their local area, and the benefits to plants and wildlife that the initiative provides.
Council to transfer land ownership of former HQ to Homes England
Warwick District Council is pleased to announce that the ownership of their former HQ at Riverside House and the surrounding land will be transferred to Homes England on 1 April 2025.
Leamington's first Nature Patchwork event inspires community action on supporting wildlife
A free community event was held on Saturday 8 March at The SYDNI Centre in Leamington, empowering and inspiring the community to help wildlife thrive locally.
John Bridgeman sculpture the latest addition to Jephson Gardens
A new sculpture has been installed in Jephson Gardens today (11 March) commemorating the life and work of Leamington-based artist John Bridgeman.
Council works with partners to inspect the safety of the District’s licensed vehicles
Warwick District Council, working in partnership with the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and Warwickshire Police, recently carried out inspections of the District’s private hire vehicles.
Multi-million-pound restoration of Royal Pump Rooms to begin
Warwick District Council’s Arts and Assets teams are excited to begin essential roof repairs on a key regional building this week, thanks to the award of substantial grant funding.