Data shows we must all play our part to improve air quality
Air quality data from outside five schools in Warwick District shows that an idling engine in Leamington can have an impact on young children’s health as far afield as Barford.
Local school children lead the way for Clean Air Day
Hundreds of local school children lead the way towards a greener future by taking part in Clean Air Day on Thursday 17 June.
Council and local campaign groups encourage residents to ‘switch on to switching off’ for Clean Air Day
Warwick District Council is encouraging residents to ‘switch on’ to the positive impact of switching off their idling engine for Clean Air Day, which takes place on Thursday 17 June 2021.
Council targets ‘fuelish idlers’ on Clean Air Day
Warwick District’s car drivers are being encouraged to turn their engines off while stationary in a campaign to mark National ‘Clean Air Day’ on 8 October.