7. Monitoring and reporting
Monitoring and reporting are essential processes to check that the aims and objectives of the Biodiversity Action Programme are being realised, and to enable Warwick District Council to comply with its statutory biodiversity duty.
The action plan to 2030 will act as a tracker to help internally monitor progress against each action. Actions are set to start at different times throughout the action plan, with some actions already in progress, some being time-bound due to external influences, and others being short-term or long-term pieces of work.
Actions will be monitored internally on an ongoing basis and there will be an annual review of the action plan to ensure delivery against key timescales. A more substantial review will be carried out in 2027, mid-way through the action plan lifespan, to confirm if actions remain applicable within the context of prevailing legislation, policy and best practice and that delivery of the plan is on target.
Progress against the action plan will be reported on a regular basis to the relevant Programme Board, comprising of Senior Council Officers and relevant Portfolio Holders (Councillors), and the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny (O&S) Committee. Appendix 4 includes a set of measures as a suggested format for reporting, however more detailed reports will be provided upon request from the Programme Board and/or O&S Committee.