3. Vision, aims and objectives

Our vision

"To make Warwick District a place that is rich in nature delivering multiple benefits for wildlife and people."


The Biodiversity Action Programme sets the strategic direction to 2050 for how Warwick District Council will respond to the need to protect, conserve and enhance biodiversity in the district, with a particular focus on the Council’s own land and operations.

It is intended to set an example for others by targeting the Council’s resources for the greatest benefit and demonstrating what can be done independently and in collaboration with partners to implement positive change on the ground.

The key aims of the Biodiversity Action Programme are as follows:

  1. A delivery plan for the Council to take action to address the Ecological Emergency.
  2. A mechanism to involve people and form partnerships to help achieve biodiversity improvements in the district.
  3. A key document to inform the local planning system and help comply with the Council’s statutory biodiversity duty.


The following ‘Themes’ have been created to correlate with the aims of the Biodiversity Action Programme and help provide focus to the objectives and actions:

  • Theme 1: Nature Recovery and Management
  • Theme 2: People and Partnerships
  • Theme 3: Legal, Planning, Policy and Funding Commitments


Theme 1: Nature Recovery and Management

  • In line with national and international ‘30by30’ biodiversity commitments, support and enable 30% of land owned by Warwick District Council to be effectively conserved and managed for the purpose of nature’s recovery by 2030 and commit to support any superseding goals for biodiversity. This includes Protected Areas and Other Effective Area- Based Conservation Measures.
  • As part of the Local Nature Recovery Network, identify opportunities to create, restore and enhance target habitats on Council land to provide opportunities for connectivity and for target species to thrive.
  • Maximise opportunities for biodiversity to flourish in the way we manage and maintain Warwick District Council land and assets, with a specific focus on improving our grounds maintenance practices.

Theme 2: People and Partnerships

  • Find ways to engage, connect, involve, inspire and support individuals, communities and landowners including town and parish councils, to take action for nature in their local area.
  • Establish strong working relationships with partners delivering on nature recovery, as   well as those targeting climate change, health and wellbeing, and air quality to ensure effective collaboration across the district.
  • Strive to be an exemplar in the management of our own estate, helping to inspire others to do the same.

Theme 3: Legal, Planning, Policy and Funding Commitments

  • Embed biodiversity into Warwick District Council’s policies and operations to help protect, conserve and enhance biodiversity and comply with the Council’s statutory biodiversity duty.
  • Ensure Warwick District Council is best placed to secure long-term funding opportunities to help the recovery of nature, including opportunities around biodiversity net gain (BNG) and other nature markets.
  • Draw on best practice to develop ambitious local planning policies which maximise opportunities to protect and enhance nature through the planning system.