We have a range of sheltered housing which is available to rent when a vacancy occurs. Applications should be made through our normal housing application procedure:
What is sheltered housing
Sheltered housing is a purpose built complex that allows older people (aged 60+) to live independently in their own flat in a safe and secure trouble free environment. We have 5 sheltered housing schemes in Leamington, Warwick and Kenilworth. Each scheme has a range of communal facilities for you to use, such as libraries, laundries, gardens and common rooms and kitchens for social activities.
Sheltered Living Officers are available to support the tenants living at the scheme. All homes are fitted with a Lifeline alarm to connect you to our control centre when staff are not on the scheme.
We also have a number of sheltered schemes comprising of groups of flats or bungalows with a communal activity room. In addition to the Lifeline alarm in each home we have a team of Lifeline Response Officers or Sheltered Living Officers to make daily visits if required and provide general support to the residents.
Other older persons housing - Lifeline service
In addition to our sheltered housing we have other flats and bungalows spread across the district that are reserved for older people (aged 55+). Benefiting from a Lifeline alarm in each home, these provide a ready-made community of tenants of a similar age. For more information visit Lifeline Service.