Arts Project Grant Application Form

Section 1: Eligibility criteria

In order to proceed with your application, you must first confirm that your organisation is eligible to apply and that your proposed project is meets all of the following criteria. Please tick the boxes against all that apply on the webform.

In this first section please tell us about the eligibility of your organisation to apply:

  • Your organisation has a UK bank account with at least two signatories at different addresses. (We cannot pay money into an individual's account)
  • Your organisation is non-profit making (a registered charity, CIC, a voluntary or community group) and has a constitution and/or articles of association/terms of reference. (We cannot accept applications from individuals or profit-making businesses.)
  • Your organisation has a trading track record of at least twelve months. (We cannot award Arts Project Grants to start-up organisations)
  • Your organisation has the following policies and procedures in place: safeguarding, health and safety, equality and diversity, data protection, environmental / sustainability, and public liability insurance. (You do not have to provide these as part of your application, but may have to supply copies if your application is successful)
  • You have not applied for a WDC arts grant this financial year (we only accept one grant application per year).
  • Your organisation has the capability, resources, and expertise to deliver the activity proposed by your grant application.

If you meet all of the organisational eligibility criteria, then you may continue with your grant application.

In this next section please tell us whether your proposed project meets the grant criteria:

  • The proposed project is primarily focussed on engaging the public in arts, culture, or heritage. (By ‘arts, culture or heritage’ we mean dance, combined arts (including festivals), literature, music, museums and collections, theatre, photography, and visual arts.)
  • The proposed project is of direct benefit to residents based in Warwick District – as participants or as audiences, or both. (To check if your project will benefit people who live within the district’s boundaries, you can find an interactive map of Warwick District.)
  • Your project requires a one-off grant payment of no more than £2,000. (We cannot provide on-ongoing revenue funding. Arts Project Grants are capped at £2,000.)
  • Your project has not already started or been completed. (We cannot provide retrospective funding for activity that has already commenced or been completed.)
  • The funds will not be used to fund capital costs such as care, repair or enhancement of a building or purchase of assets.
  • The funds will not be used to meet the direct or indirect costs of statutory education, further education, or higher education (any activity taking place in school hours will not be considered).
  • The funds will not be used to support prizes, competitions or grant schemes. (The funds will not be awarded on to another party, or ‘re-granted’.)

If you are able to comply with all of the project eligibility criteria, then you may continue with your grant application.

Section 2: Your organisation

Organisation Details

This section is where you tell us about your organisation.

  • Please provide the legal name of your organisation, as it appears in your constitution.
  • Please provide the registered address of organisation.
  • Please tell us what type of organisation you are. (Please tick the option that applies on the webform)
  • Please provide your registration number if you have one (Charity Number / Company Number).
  • Please provide you VAT Number if you are VAT registered.
  • Please provide lead contact details for the grant application:

Lead contact details

This person is responsible for completing the application, providing additional information if requested, receiving the grant, signing the Grant Funding Agreement, providing evaluation / feedback:

  • Name:
  • Role:
  • Email address:
  • Telephone number:
  • Postal Address (if different to organisation address):

Work of the organisation

Tell us about the work of your organisation.

In this section, please briefly describe:

  • Your organisation’s mission statement aims and objectives.
  • The number of paid staff employed by your organisation and the number of volunteers.
  • The length of time you have worked within Warwick District.
  • Any projects you have delivered that are similar to this application.

You have a maximum of 2000 characters (including spaces), which is approximately 250 - 400 words.

Section 3: Proposed funded activity.

Title of proposed project:

It is fine to provide a ‘working title’ if the project does not yet have a name. 

Tell us about the proposed project.

In your own words, please briefly describe what it is, what will happen and who it is aimed at.

You have a maximum of 2000 characters (including spaces), which is approximately 250 - 400 words.

How will your project meet our arts Engagement priorities? 

Please tell us about how your project will support our Engagement Priorities (does not have to be all).

  • Support grassroots community-led cultural activity in hard to reach high priority communities. Especially amongst those who are under-represented in the cultural life of the district.
  • Deliver cultural activity that has clear social, health and wellbeing outcomes.
  • Provide opportunities for residents to get involved, take part, and create. Particularly through volunteering schemes.
  • Programme ambitious, high quality, inclusive events or activity. Providing immersive and inspiring experiences that exceed expectation, offering escapism and enjoyment.
  • Promote the use of the contemporary arts and innovative digital tools. To engage with the district’s heritage and tell its stories.

You have a maximum of 2000 characters (including spaces), which is approximately 250 - 400 words.

Where in Warwick District will the project take place?

Tell us where you planned activity will take place. The priority geographical areas within the district, where residents are least likely to participate in cultural activity, are:

  • Lillington East, Leamington Spa
  • Warwick West, Warwick
  • Sydenham, Leamington Spa,
  • Cubbington
  • Brunswick, Leamington Spa
  • Tachbrook Road, Leamington Spa
  • Whitnash
  • Woodloes, Warwick
  • Radford Semele

Who will benefit from the project?

Tell us who specifically who you plan to benefit from the project – either as participants, audiences, or both.

Our priority groups:

  • residents with a disability
  • residents from Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic background
  • looked after children
  • young carers
  • children of school age (primary or secondary) particularly ‘disadvantaged pupils’ at Key Stage 2 (ages 7 – 11)
  • young males at risk of suicide
  • young people with mental illness / living with depression
  • older people – living with dementia or coping with loneliness
  • the travelling community
  • the homeless
  • residents in rural areas / outlying villages
  • residents in areas where people are least likely to participate in cultural activities.

You have a maximum of 2000 characters (including spaces), which is approximately 250 - 400 words.

What are the planned timescales of the project?

Tell us the start date and end dates for your project. The fund cannot be used to support projects which have already happened or are going to happen before the decision date for the grant application, or projects which are due to finish after the closing date of the grant.

You have a maximum of 2000 characters (including spaces), which is approximately 250 - 400 words.

Tell us about any partnerships

Tell us about any partnerships necessary to deliver the project and what agreements you have in place.

You have a maximum of 2000 characters (including spaces), which is approximately 250 - 400 words.

How much funding are you requesting from Warwick District Council?  

Please be aware that we cannot consider applications for grants of more than £2,000.

Please summarise your project budget

  • Your budget should be for the total cost of the project you are applying to do.
  • Your budget should balance, so your income amount needs to be the same as your expenditure amount.
  • We cannot fund projects that will generate a profit.
  • Include any other income that is either confirmed or expected towards the project, including earned income and any applications to other funding bodies, trusts, or foundations.
  • If the project is not entirely funded, please detail how you plan to raise any remaining amounts from other sources.
  • Please include the fees and wages of any artists, creatives or specialists involved in the activity as well as any artistic, creative or specialist costs you need to pay for.
  • If you are registered for VAT, your expenditure figures should not include VAT that you can claim back. If you are not registered for VAT, your costs should include VAT. 



Cost Breakdown

Total Amount





























Section 4: Supporting attachments.

You will now need to attach digital copies of any documents which support your application. If you would like to include a document to give us a sense of the project (or examples of work of any artists or creatives, you are working with) you can do it here. For example, this could be an image, a music file, a sample of your writing, a video, or a review of the work.

You must also upload a copy of your organisation’s latest Bank Statements for all accounts held (showing account details, and organisation name).

Please have these documents ready to hand to upload, preferably in a PDF format, when starting your application. You can either ‘drag and drop’ the documents into that section of the form or click the button upload them direct.