Cost of the new service

Is the 123+ service just a cost saving exercise?

No. It is about providing a more efficient service to all our residents. It costs money to collect and dispose of the waste in your grey bin. Recycling all that you can helps to keep Council tax down. By working in partnership, Stratford-on-Avon District Council and Warwick District Council can share services. This means we can be more effective and maximise joint resources. 

The 123+ collection will standardise service provision across Stratford-on-Avon District and Warwick District. The new collections contract, with no border restrictions where the two districts meet, will result in more efficient routes for the collection vehicles.

Will this just be a way of increasing council tax without a referendum?

No. The aim of the new service is to combine resources to maximise collection efficiencies and keep waste and recycling service costs as low as possible.

What effect is this going to have on my council tax? Will it go up

The waste and recycling collection services account for less than 15% of your council tax, the planned changes will help keep costs of the service as low as possible. The 123+ collection service is the cheapest way of collecting and disposing of waste as well as minimising the impact on the environment.

If we’re making all these savings and efficiencies, will my council tax bill go down?

We know that when the existing waste contract ends costs will rise considerably. The aim of the 123+ collection system is to minimise any rises in costs so that we do not have to increase council tax any more than is necessary.

What is the benefit to me as a Council tax paying resident of the district?

The new 123+ collection service will:

  • Make collections easier.
  • Reduce waste and increase recycling this will improve the environment and help tackle climate change.
  • Make the services more effective and efficient through joint working, minimising mileage travelled on collection rounds and reducing environmental pollution.
  • Help keep service delivery costs as low as possible.

How will savings be made with one contractor having monopoly over the whole of Stratford-on-Avon District and Warwick District?

The new collection contract and partnership between Stratford-on-Avon District Council and Warwick District Council will mean that collections are more efficient, with improved routing and collection rounds, minimising resources and helping achieve economies of scale that couldn’t be achieved with the previous contracts.