Will my personal information ever be published on the web?
Unless you tell us that we can, we will not usually put your personal information on any of our website pages or social media pages. This includes images of you where you can be recognised. If you have told us we can use your image this way, you can tell us at any time that you do not want us to do this any more.
Sometimes, the law says we have to have sets of personal details which can be seen by anybody. This is called a public register. In some cases, we will put this on our website. For things to do with planning, some personal information must be able to be seen during the planning process so people can have their say on the plan, so that they know what the council is asking about the plan and also find out if the plan has been approved.
Formal Council, Executive, Committee and Sub-Committee meetings are recorded on video, and you can see these on our website or YouTube Channel. This is to help people know the decisions we are making and why we are making them. If you come to a Council meeting that is being recorded, some of your personal details could be shown in the video. When you register to speak at a meeting, you will be told what personal data will be seen on the video.