Welcome back to the town centres
Shops and town centre businesses are reopening and keen to get back to business. The coronavirus crisis and lockdown saw many having to close their doors a few months ago. They are now ready to welcome you back as you return to the shops and businesses you’ve missed during this period. Exciting times, but just be mindful that your shopping and retail experience will not be quite the same as it was before.
Teams at the District council, have been working with Warwickshire County Council, local chambers of trade and BID Leamington to support our businesses with their reopening plans, making a few changes which will enable you to move around the town centres safely.
Those changes include reallocating our town centre road spaces; closing some roads, widening pavement areas and providing cycle lanes which will allow safe movement around our towns and to ensure that this follows the Government’s guidance on safe social distancing. In addition, signage and information, additional cycle stands, and free parking in the District Council’s off-street car parks will all add to your shopping experience. New town centre ambassadors will be on-hand to help and advise you during the early days of reopening and support your town centre visit.
Visit our town centres:
Parks and green spaces
Parks and green spaces remain open in the district. However, many communal facilities are closed and there are a set of guidelines to reduce social interaction.
Parks and green spaces guidelines
Public conveniences
All of the districts public toilets are open between 8am and 5pm with increased deeper cleans.
Say it with flowers: reopening Leamington Spa town centre
A case study about the re-opening of Leamington Spa town centre.
At present most events on Warwick District Council land are cancelled, with the exception of a very limited number of events which will be held under strict adherence to the latest government advice and COVID-19 guidelines.
The situation for events from Autumn 2020 onwards is being constantly reviewed, any further updates will be added to this page.
Our Business Support and Events team helps plan and co-ordinate events in our town centres, parks and open spaces across the district, many of which are free to attend. The aim is to offer a broad selection of events, which are safe for you to enjoy.
Planning an event
Speak to the team about what is needed – they can advise you on road closures, licensing and health and safety and signpost you to organisations that can help you. Visit the page on organising an event.
We look after our weekly markets in Kenilworth and Warwick as well as Autumn and Christmas markets.
Accessibility guide
Warwick District Council and AccessAble offer a free online service to provide detailed accessibility information about places in the local area.
Contact us
- Events – events@warwickdc.gov.uk
- Business support - business.support@warwickdc.gov.uk
What's on
The Women of The Lord Leycester Talk
“This is a man’s place”, wrote writer Mary Raphael when she visited the Lord Leycester Hospital in the 1920s.