Sustainable Buildings SPD

The Council has prepared planning guidance to require new developments and buildings to be more environmentally friendly.  The guidance will be used in the determination of planning applications.  The guidance includes:

  • Advice on the use of sustainable construction techniques and energy efficient layout and design;
  • Measures to deliver the council’s requirement that 10% of the energy demand of new buildings should be met by renewable sources; and, 
  • Advice on the use of water conservation measures, such as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems.

The guidance is called the Sustainable Buildings Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and expands upon policies DP11 (Drainage), DP12 (Energy Efficiency) and DP13 (Renewable Energy Developments) of the Warwick District Local Plan 1996 - 2011.

The SPD was formally adopted on the 19th December 2008 and can be viewed below:

Enplanner Renewable Energy Toolkit

In partnership with other local authorities in the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire region, the Carbon Trust and Encraft the Council has been involved in the development of a renewable energy toolkit. This is designed to make it easy for applicants to meet local planning requirements for onsite renewable energy generation as part of their development proposal. The toolkit was launched in the sub region on 14th February 2011 and nationally on 1st March 2011. It continues to be updated by the Carbon Trust and Encraft, most recently to enable applicants to take account of energy efficiency measures as part of the development proposal.

The Carbon Trust has also published guidance on implementing Air Source Heat Pumps which is available to view below:

Background Documents to the SPD

A draft of the SPD was subject to a six week period of public consultation between 29th August and 10th October 2008. All comments and representations made on the draft SPD can be viewed online via the Council's LDF e-consultation system

Sustainability Appraisal

As part of preparing the SPD the council undertook a sustainability appraisal of the document.  This assessed the guidance against a number of environmental, economic and social criteria. An SA Scoping Report was also prepared and subject to consultation earlier in 2008. As a result of the comments received, changes were made to the baseline data and review of plans, policies and programmes. Copies of both documents can be viewed below: 

If you have any questions regarding the Sustainable Buildings SPD or would like to purchase a paper copy, please contact Tony Ward, Senior Planning Officer (Policy & Projects) on 01926 456503 or by email to: