The 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act made provision for the preparation of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) to provide greater detail on specific policies within individual Development Plan Documents (DPDs)/ the Local Plan.

Current Consultation

The Council is undertaking a consultation on the draft Net Zero Carbon Supplementary Planning Document. This consultation will run for a period of six weeks from Wednesday 18 October - Wednesday 29 November 2023. Further details of the consultation and how to comment can be found on the Net Zero Carbon SPD webpage

Adopted SPDs

Links to these documents are in the table below. 

SPD title Date of adoption Summary
Affordable Housing January 2008 Provides guidance for developers on when affordable housing will be required on developments, how much, and what type.
Sustainable Buildings December 2008 Seeks to encourage new buildings to be designed to be more environmentally friendly through the use of sustainable construction techniques, energy efficient layout and design, use of renewable energy, and water conservation measures.
Parking Standards June 2018 Sets out the amount of parking expected to accompany developments of different land-uses for vehicles and bicycles, and minimum parking space dimensions.
Residential Design Guide June 2018 Design principles for new residential development in Warwick District from whole estates to the extension of an existing home and for conversions.
East of Kenilworth Development Brief March 2019 Sets out the development principles for the development East of Kenilworth.
Public Open Space   Sets out the guidance and requirements for the provision of Public Open Space.
Custom and Self-build July 2019 Sets out guidance for custom and self-builders, and developers providing self-build plots.

The above SPDs have been/will be reviewed and updated in light of the adoption of the Local Plan in September 2017.