Licensing & Regulatory meetings are held at Shire Hall, Market Place, Warwick. Meetings are video and audio recorded and subsequently uploaded on our YouTube channel.
Videos will appear shortly after the meeting takes place, and the recording of the meeting will be kept on YouTube for later viewing. Interested parties may also register to speak at the meeting.
Broadcasts of the meeting will be available for 12 months, after which, they will change to a private video.
Agendas, reports and meeting minutes
Licensing and Regulatory Committee agendas, reports and minutes.
Copies of the agendas for the this Committee are published at least five clear working days before the meeting. All documents are available on our website, if you need assistance to locate them please email or call 01926 456114.
When and where do they meet
Meetings of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee are scheduled approximately every six weeks. However, the committee usually meets when there are matters to be considered and this could be more or less frequently than six weeks. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, all meetings are held remotely at the moment. All meetings are open to the public except when there are confidential or exempt items and these are likely to be considered in private.
Regulatory Committee members
Committee members (select the Members tab).
The committee is usually serviced by representatives of the Council's Legal Services and Committee Services.
Matters considered
The main function of the Regulatory Committee is to consider matters relating to the licensing function of the Council. However, the majority of its work is delegated to Licensing & Regulatory Panels.
Its main work as a Committee is to meet to consider applications for the review of premises licences and determination of applications for Sexual Entertainment Venue licences.
The Committee also considers matters relating to public footpaths and bridleways, elections and electoral registration, and the control of the consumption of alcohol in public places under the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2002.
At the beginning of the agenda, there will usually be administrative items such as Declarations of Interest by Members and the confirmation of the minutes of previous meetings.