Representations and Correspondence Sent to the Returning Officer during the Consultation of the Polling Review
Thank you for your work in putting this together. My only comment is regarding WLF and WLG in Willes.
The Sydni centre is not convienient for these two sub wards and it's location not always well known as it's hidden away in the middle of the Sydenham estate. In previous years we've had to create special maps pointing people in the right direction. I'm concerned that the distance and perceived inaccessibility may suppress turnout in these areas if compared against similar demographic areas.
Please could we look at alternative locations for these sub wards?
Kind Regards
Thank you for your email.
Thank you for your feedback on The Sydni centre, it is gratefully received.
Please could you recommend alternative venues we could look into further?
Many thanks
The obvious building option is the Sydenham community club, but I know that used to be used but was stopped. I don’t know whether this is because a few years ago it needed renovation (I haven’t been in recently so don’t know if they’ve done some work or not).
Apart from that there are plenty of locations to put a temporary building (I appreciate this would have a cost implication) - the best place for those 2 sub wards would be on the grass at St. Fremund's Way which we own. It would be very visible and most people would pass it on their way out. It would rely on street parking though.
There's also the car park of the Grist Mill on Chesterton Drive or Asda. I think the issue with Asda (either carpark or even the area that used to be the cafe) is if it were just for 2 sub wards that lots of people would think they could vote there but couldn't. This would be less the case with the Grist Mill which people know where it is but isn't so busy.
Your website tells me that we have a polling station in the village. Well, it's years out of date. We had to give this back to Robin Smith-Ryland. I understand there is the possibility that we could use the church. I'd support that, if it progresses.
I understand that the current polling station in the village hall, Church Road Sherbourne will no longer be available for use as a polling station in future.
May I suggest that the secretary of Sherbourne Church, Church Road, Sherbourne be contacted to ascertain whether the Church could be made available as a polling station in future elections.
Please make clear how people access the Lillington Children and Family Centre by ensuring that the correct access information is provided.
Lillington village residents vote in a polling station that is not in the centre of the Lillington village area. Everybody has to walk past a polling station that they can not vote at. Map can be confusing.
Telford junior school – is there a way to keep the school open on polling days?
Willes ward – There is confusion in Willes Ward between use of Radford Road Church and St Marys Church. There should be an east / west split rather than north / south.
Noted that some people from Brunswick vote in St. Margaret’s church.
Please can you clarify how you envisage the split for willes ward to be? I have attached the polling district map.
Radford Road is WLA
St Marys is WLB, WLC
Thank you for this. I support the outline recommendations of effectively no change in respect of Budbrooke ward - including retaining Wasperton Village Hall as a polling station.