All records for the following cemeteries are kept in the office at Oakley Wood Crematorium:

  • Leamington Spa (Brunswick St)
  • Old Milverton
  • Kenilworth (Oaks Rd)
  • Warwick

We also hold records of the people who have been cremated at Oakley Wood. We do not have information for those buried in the closed churchyards we maintain.

Any requests for genealogical information should be sent to

You will need to confirm:

  • the name of the cemetery where the person is thought to be buried
  • their full name
  • the date they passed away

If the exact date is not known, you will need to provide the year in which they passed.

If we find the relevant information from our historical ledgers then there is a charge per name. We will then email you the details which will include the grave number and the date of burial, and you will also receive a map showing the location of the grave within the cemetery.

There will not be a charge if we are unable to find any details.

Please note that during busy periods, it may take up to 14 days for your enquiry to be dealt with by our office staff.

You can make these payments online, or cheques should be made payable to Warwick District Council and sent to the Cemeteries Office based at the Oakley Wood Crematorium, Oakley Wood, Bishops Tachbrook, Leamington Spa, CV33 9QP. The research will be carried out once the appropriate fee has been received.