Portfolio holder duties
The Leader appoints, from among the Cabinet members, Portfolio Holders to act as spokespersons for the service areas.
The Portfolio Holders need to:
- help with the development and delivery of the Council’s policy framework;
- work with officers and local public, private, voluntary, and community sector organisations to address local needs;
- present reports to Scrutiny committees;
- represent the views of the Council on matters of corporate or strategic policy; and
- participate in consultative arrangements and actively engage in dialogue with officers and organisations involved in portfolio issues
The following duties are those which are common to Portfolio Holders:
- attend Cabinet Catch up each Monday 5.00pm- 6.00pm Provided direction and guidance on strategic matters and reviewing Cabinet reports
- attend LCG as scheduled to discuss strategic matters with Group Leaders including reviewing Cabinet reports
- attend public meeting of the Cabinet every six weeks;
- attend public meeting of the Council 8 to 10 times a year;
- occasional attendance at the meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. Preparation has to be done ahead of this meeting so that questions can be answered;
- writing the Portfolio Holder statement for Council;
- providing strategic direction for the relevant service area(s) in liaison with the Head of Service(s)
- liaising with report authors within their PH remit to provide strategic approach to draft reports at appropriate approval stages
- possible post-meeting work for any questions that need clarifying and answers that need adding to;
- dealing with correspondence relating to their portfolio; and including,
- responding to relevant media enquires in liaison with the Media Team.
- Attending relevant working parties & outside bodies (where appointed as Cabinet representative)
- Confidentially (therefore, not shared with opposition Groups) discuss possible options they may wish to propose and the viability of them.
- Meeting with Head of Service (s) at least every month to review strategic service area matters
- Review Service area plan (which includes, Main aspects of workload, major work streams, performance and risk register)
- Budget updates/planning
- Appropriate Staffing matters
- Confidentially advise on approaches administration may wish to take
Shadow Portfolio Holders
Attend briefings with Head of service (as 13 above) but will not be able to be briefed on specific confidential matters relating to statutory functions undertaken by PH.
They should not be considering/approving draft Council, Cabinet or Committee reports before publication.
Opposition Spokespersons
Are responsible for familiarising themselves with the specialist area(s) of the Council's work and for effective challenge and scrutiny of the Cabinet and that Portfolio Holder
- Meeting with Head of Service(s) at least every month to review strategic service area matters (normally after PH briefing)
- Review Service area plan (which includes, Main aspects of workload, major work streams, performance and risk register)
- Budget updates/planning
- Key Staffing matters therefore, planned service design?
- Briefings on Council/Cabinet/Cttee reports once PH is content with approach (see example blue at point of blue *)
- Confidentially (therefore, not shared with the administration) discuss possible options the opposition may wish to propose and the viability of them.
All Councillors will continue to be provided with impartial advice on possible approaches they wish to consider and the viability of them. They will also be provided access to Service Area Plans so they can monitor their progress and ask questions.