1. The Service
Warwick District Council (WDC) is a designated Litter Authority, as set out in the Environmental Protection Act 1990. It has a duty to ensure that land and highway, for which it is responsible is kept clear of litter and refuse, and highways and roads are kept clean. To help fulfil its duty, Warwick District Council is responsible for installing, emptying and maintaining litter bins on streets and in parks/green spaces for which it is accountable.
This policy sets out the procedures and requirements for the installation and maintenance of new litter bins, and the replacement and refurbishment of existing litter bins. It also looks in particular at the process for responding to requests for litter bins.
2. Requests and Requirements for New Litter Bins
As there are on-going human and financial resource implications with the installation of any new litter bin, consideration should be given to all requests using a scoring system to determine need and suitability of locations. This scoring system is shown in Appendix 1 and will be followed for each request or requirement for a new litter bin. At the end of the assessment, the scores should be added up to give an overall score.
Prior to assessment, if WDC deems the location to be unsuitable for reasons of safety, such as stopping to empty a bin, proximity to housing, or installation difficulties, it may be declined prior to scoring. An alternative location may be suggested.
Once a decision has been made by WDC regarding the outcome of a litter bin request, that decision will not be reviewed for a minimum of six months following the decision being made.
2.1. Relevant Land
Litter bins will only be supplied, installed, maintained or emptied if they are on land for which WDC is accountable. This includes streets (adopted by Warwickshire County Council), parks and green spaces but doesn’t include private land such as schools, canal towpaths or riverbanks.
The zones referred to in the scoring system (Appendix 1) are as set out in the Environmental Protection Act 1990 Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse 2006, and relate to the level of use of areas.
2.2. Third Party Land
WDC may, at the Council’s discretion, empty bins on ‘third party’ land (such as Town/Parish Council land, WDC Housing land, etc.) where requested. The cost of the service may be passed onto the ‘third party’. The responsibility of provision, installation and maintenance of the bin remains with the third party however the type of bin must be approved by WDC prior to installation.
2.3. Authorisation to install litter bins on the highway
Authorisation is required from the Highways Authority, Warwickshire County Council (WCC), before installing litter bins in any new location on adopted highway. WDC must complete a permit application to book the highway space and send it to the Highways Department at WCC with the accompanying payment.
2.4. Litter Bin Design
Where a request or requirement for a new litter bin has been deemed successful using the scoring system in Appendix 1, a new bin will be installed. This bin will, as far as practicable, be of a standard design (specifications below) to work towards a consistent style across the District. However, alternative designs of bin may be supplied in special circumstances, for example, conservation areas.
Street litter bins are black. Litter bins in parks and green spaces are mainly green, but black is also permitted.
2.4.1. Litter bins

Litter bins front and side views
- Square metal bin approx. 112 litres
- Self locking door
- 4 x fixing holes on base
- Ashtray on top of bin
- Metal or plastic inner liner
- 4 litter apertures with litter guides to ensure litter goes into the liner
- Text on bin:
- Litter and Dog Waste’ on all 4 sides under each litter aperture
- Take Pride in Warwick District’ on front and back only
- Colour:
- Street - Black (RAL 9005)
- Parks and Open Spaces – Green (RAL 6005)
- Rat modification (preferred
2.4.2. Dog waste bins
Dedicated bins for dog waste are no longer required as dog faeces can be disposed of with general litter and refuse.
All litter bins must be approved by Warwick District Council prior to installation.
2.5. Timescales for Requests for Litter Bins
Any request for a new litter bin, irrespective of the origin of the request, will be considered using the scoring system in Appendix 1. This evaluation will be conducted by an Officer in Contract Services with a response made to the originator of the request within 15 working days of receipt of the request.
Should a request be deemed successful, the originator of the request will be given a timescale for installation of the bin.
2.6. Positioning of New Litter Bins
New litter bins should always be positioned out of the main line of travel or grouped with other existing street furniture, so that they do not present a collision hazard for people with sight loss, or reduce the usable width of the footway for people using wheelchairs, mobility aids or guide dogs.
3. Maintenance of Litter Bins
Over time, litter bins are subject to wear and tear, accidental or wilful damage and will need to be refurbished or replaced. This section looks at the process for assessing the condition of bins, who should take responsibility for their replacement or refurbishment, and the associated timescales for action. It also considers the maintenance of bins, including cleaning.
3.1. Responsibility for Assessment, Replacement, Repair and Refurbishment of Litter Bins
WDC is responsible for the assessment, replacement, repair and refurbishment of litter bins on land for which they are accountable.
Litter bins on third party land (e.g. Town/Parish Council land and WDC Housing land) remain the responsibility of the third party. If a bin requires replacement, repair or refurbishment, the third party will be responsible for organising this and covering the cost. All new bins must be approved by WDC prior to installation.
3.2. Frequency of Assessment of the Condition of Litter Bins
The condition of litter bins is surveyed regularly as part of the Street Cleansing Contract. Bins are surveyed by the Contractor as they are emptied and a note made on their daily work records of any bins requiring repair, refurbishment or replacement.
3.3. Criteria for the Assessment of the Condition of Litter Bins
During the Contractor’s regular assessment of litter bins, the following criteria should be used to determine the need for repair, refurbishment or replacement. Photographic examples of these criteria are available in appendix 2.
If a bin has either of the following then action is not required to replace, repair or refurbish the bin:
- a) No damage, or
- b) Reasonable wear and tear, but bin still fully functioning.
If a bin has any of the following then action should be taken to repair or refurbish it where possible. If the extent of the damage is too severe to repair or refurbish, a replacement bin should be installed:
- c) Slight damage, but still fully functioning
- d) Significant damage, compromising the function of the bin, or
- e) Severe damage, causing complete loss of function of the bin.
3.4. Timescales for Repair, Refurbishment or Replacement of Litter Bins
When a litter bin is identified for repair, refurbishment or replacement, this should take place within 1 month of the assessment being made, dependent on WDC stock levels of litter bins. However, if the bin is in a dangerous state of repair and presenting a hazard, it should be made safe immediately.
3.5. Cleaning
All litter bins will be cleaned on an annual basis by the street cleansing contractor as part of the contract.
3.6. Repeated Vandalism
Where individual litter bins are repeatedly targeted with vandalism, WDC will attempt to find a suitable solution. This may include using a different type of bin, moving the bin to a nearby location, or removing the bin entirely.
4. Removal of Existing Litter Bins
If a member of the public, Councillor, other interested party or WDC deems that a bin is no longer needed in a particular location, an assessment will be carried out in accordance with the details in Appendix 1.
If the assessment shows the bin to be in a suitable location, it will remain in place.
If the assessment shows the bin to be in an unsuitable location it will be removed. WDC will ensure that any surface damage caused by removal of the bin is repaired.
5. Consultation
This policy does not suggest public consultation on the installation of bins in general.
6. Authorised Officer
Final decisions on all matters relating to bins, as outlined in this document, will be the responsibility of the Council’s Authorised Officer. This is the Contract Services Manager, or their nominated representative.
7. Review Process
This policy will be reviewed annually and is endorsed by the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services.
Appendix 1: Litter Bin Installation Scoring System
Each request or requirement for a new litter bin should be assessed using the scoring system below.
Street cleaning zone
Zone | Score |
Zone 1 – High intensity of use, such as busy public areas DAILY CLEANSE | 10 |
Zone 2 – Medium intensity of use, such as residential areas WEEKLY CLEANSE | 5 |
Zone 3 – Low intensity of use, such as rural roads MONTHLY AND TWO MONTHLY CLEANSE | 1 |
Zone 4 – Areas with special circumstances, such as health and safety issues | 0 |
Proximity to existing bins
Proximity | Score |
> 100 metres to any bins | 10 |
< 100 metres to 1 bin | 5 |
< 100 metres to more than 1 bin | 0 |
Proximity to facilities
Proximity | Score |
< 100 metres to schools | 5 |
< 50 metres to take away outlets | 10 |
< 50 metres to shops | 5 |
< 100 metres parks and open spaces | 5 |
< 100 metres to sports facilities | 2 |
< 50 metres to bus stops | 2 |
< 100 metres to other public facilities such as pub, church, community centre | 2 |
Dog walking route/area
Route | Score |
Route or area used by multiple dog owners daily | 5 |
Route or area used infrequently by dog owners | 0 |
Number of requests for de-littering received within a six month period
De-littering requests | Score |
0 | 0 |
1-2 | 2 |
3-5 | 5 |
6-10 | 10 |
Over 11 | 12 |
Number of requests for a bin received within a six month period
Requests for a bin | Score |
1 | 0 |
2-10 | 10 |
11-50 | 15 |
51 or over | 20 |
Note: If request has come from a Councillor, add 10 points, if request has come from a Parish Council, add 10 points. If request is from both of these parties, add 15 points.
Overall score
The overall score should be compared to the thresholds shown in the table below to determine the success of the request.
Score | Outcome |
0 – 40 | Unsuccessful |
41 - 79 | Successful |
Appendix 2: Assessment Criteria for the Replacement or Refurbishment of Litter Bins
If a litter bin has either of the following then action is not required to replace, repair or refurbish the bin:
- a) No damage, or
- b) Reasonable wear and tear, but bin still fully functioning.
If a litter bin has any of the following then action should be taken to repair or refurbish it where possible. If the extent of the damage is too severe to repair or refurbish, a replacement bin should be installed:
- c) Slight damage, but still fully functioning (includes doors not closing due to broken door locks, hinges)
- d) Significant damage, compromising the function of the bin, or
- e) Severe damage, causing complete loss of function of the bin.