Linen Street car park

Linen Street multi-storey car park has now CLOSED.

Linen Street multi-storey car park is over 40 years old and has structural issues, in fact, the top 2 levels have been closed to the public for several years now due to safety concerns regarding the ramps.

Regular structural and visual inspections have been carried out by industry experts, and the most recent inspection has highlighted a number of safety concerns as well as increasing maintenance and repair costs. Therefore, a decision had to be made quickly on the future of this car park to alleviate the concerns about the structural safety.

Based on this information, senior officers and councillors have agreed that this car park must close as soon as practically possible. We appreciate that this decision may not be popular, but health and safety factors are a priority and there is no alternative.

Season ticket holders and permit holders will be contacted separately, and the basement tenants will be relocated as soon as possible.

Alternative parking

As a result of the closure, we have made the decision to reduce the price of Vittle Drive car park from Monday 19 July to £5 all day (from £6 all day) for the remainder of 2021.

Hampton Road, which is a 10-15 minute walk from the town centre, is still just £1 to park all day and a season ticket to park 365 days a year is just £110.

Further information