Key Principle 1
Ensuring sufficient car parking capacity across Warwick district’s town centres to meet the current and future demand for parking.
The appropriate level of parking within the town centre has a crucial part to play in its economic vitality. However, an overabundance of parking will detract from the attractiveness of the respective town centres from an investment perspective as well as being detrimental to the urban environment. Adequate parking capacity currently exists across Warwick district to meet existing demand however this will come under increasing pressure as traffic growth is forecast to increase by approximately 17% by 2027. A partnership approach to parking management will be essential to ensure on-street and off-street parking remains effective across the district.
The location of parking has a crucial part to play in the economic vitality of town centres. Shoppers in particular want to park as close to their final destination as possible whilst long-stay car park users, residents and workers also need to be provided for. Meeting the needs of these different user groups are will need to be considered.
Studies suggest that additional parking capacity will need to be considered across the district as population and traffic increases and the most effective and efficient way of providing this additional capacity will need to be addressed as the need arises.
Priority 1.1
We will continually review the current demand for daytime and evening parking in our town centres against the supply and look for opportunities to increase capacity for short-stay off street parking in the town centre whilst still meeting the needs of long-stay users.
Priority 1.2
We will consider the provision of new car parks in town centres to ensure sufficient parking capacity is provided to meet the public demand. Where a need to provide additional capacity is identified an appropriate solution will be sought that meets the needs of the town and customer whilst also being affordable and cost-effective for Warwick District Council.
Priority 1.3
We will seek to minimise disruption to our town centres in the event of car park redevelopment by working with key stakeholders to implement effective car park displacement plans as required.
Priority 1.4
We will endeavour to implement an effective approach to pricing in off-street car parks to ensure short-stay parking is given priority in central town centre locations without discouraging long-stay users.
Priority 1.5
We will develop existing relationships with colleagues at Warwickshire County Council and in key partner organisations to deliver a partnership approach of data sharing and joint decision making in areas of car park charging and future parking management.
Priority 1.6
We will work with partners to ensure that the potential impacts of any decisions taken on town centre parking does not adversely impact on residential areas adjoining the town centres and will work with Warwickshire County Council to consider the potential need for future changes to residential parking permit schemes.