Civil Parking Enforcement

Warwick District Council operates Civil Parking Enforcement established by Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004. This legislation was introduced to ensure a fair and consistent process and provide motorists with an upfront and free way of challenging a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) if they believe it has been unfairly issued.

More about the appeal procedure

Off-Street Parking Place Orders

Warwick District Council Off-street parking operates under the Off-Street Parking Place Orders 2012 to enforce the regulations in place within the car parks.

Off street parking place orders and parking strategy


Statutory Instruments

Operational Guidance to Local Authorities

This sets out the policy framework within which the Government believes that all English local authorities, both inside and outside London, should be setting their parking policies and, if appropriate, enforcing those policies.

Operational Guidance to Local Authorities (PDF)

Annual parking reports

The Traffic Management Act (TMA) 2004 places a requirement on local authorities to produce an annual report about their enforcement activities and should cover the financial, statistical and other data.

Download the Annual Parking Reports