There are a number of air quality management areas in Warwick District. You can view them individually from the links or below, or see a map of all air quality management areas.

Following year on year improvements in air quality, the Council has been able to fully revoke three of its five Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) namely:

Select the following links to view each Order

Following a review and assessment of air quality in the Warwick and Leamington areas and a direction from Defra, nitrogen dioxide levels have been shown to be consistently below the national standard for the last four years. As such, it was agreed at full cabinet that these AQMAs should be revoked to allow the council to focus its efforts on improving the air quality in the remaining 2 AQMAs. As of 15th March 2024, they were revoked.

Nitrogen dioxide levels will continue to be monitored in these 3 areas to ensure compliance and to monitor further improvements that can be made through its Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP).