Biodiversity photography competition 2024

Following the success of last year’s biodiversity photography competition and to support the launch of our new biodiversity action programme, we are holding another biodiversity photography competition!

The theme for 2024 is ‘all things bright, beautiful, great and small’.

The competition will run from Friday 12 July to Sunday 8 September 2024.

Whether you are a seasoned photographer or simply enjoy snapping pictures on your phone whilst out and about, we welcome you to submit your best shot of biodiversity in Warwick District that captures the theme of ‘all things bright, beautiful, great and small’.

People of all ages are invited to participate, with a group for those over 18 and another for those aged 17 and under. Participants must be a resident of Warwick District.

If you need some inspiration, scroll to the bottom of this page to see some of the shortlisted entries from last year’s competition. We also have a short video about the habitats and species we are prioritising for support as part of our Biodiversity Action Programme which might provide some extra ideas. 

Winners from each age group will receive a £100 One4all gift voucher. The winning images will be featured on our website and social media channels allowing you to share your passion for nature and photography with a wider audience.

We wish all participants good luck and look forward to seeing your images of Warwick District’s magnificent wildlife and natural beauty.

Submit your entry

Please submit your entry online. Shortlisted images will be shared on the Council’s Facebook page and members of the public will be asked to vote by ‘reacting’ to their favourite pictures. 

If you are 17 and under, please include your age when you submit your entry, and ask your parent/guardian to complete the parental consent section of the entry form.  

If your photograph contains an identifiable person, they can consent to its use through the photo consent form. Please ask them to include your name and email within the 'description of project/campaign' field.

Submit your entry for the Biodiversity photography competition


  • One entry per person.
  • Participants must be a resident of Warwick District.
  • Photographs must be of biodiversity in Warwick District capturing the theme of ‘all things bright, beautiful, great and small’
  • Photographs must be taken within Warwick District.
  • Photographs should be no more than 8MB
  • Photographs must not have been taken any earlier than 1 January 2020. 
  • Photographs must not contain identifiable people, unless consent is agreed and submitted with the application. 
  • Photographs must be submitted without a watermark. 
  • By submitting an entry into this competition, you agree to these Rules and the competition Terms and Conditions
  • More information on how the council will use and process your personal data

Promote the biodiversity photography competition in your workplace or school

Why not get your colleagues, classmates or pupils involved in this great opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy some friendly competition? Print and display our posters:

Biodiversity Photography Competition poster

2023 finalists