Flood warnings

There are a number of flood warnings in the area.

Current flooding situation

Tick, tock - poem by Matt Black

Environmental poet Matt Black attended the COP27 event, and wrote the following poem based on his experience.

Tick, Tock

In the grandeur of the panelled Chamber
with its pomp of power and stained-glass windows
we are humbled by the simple words of David Attenborough –
It won’t be easy, but it’s doable -
We can do it, we must do it
For the future of the planet
One point five degrees,  one point five degrees,
tick tock, tick tock, the clock at the back of the room
Sixty-five people gather, thinking global, acting local
Creating change and hope
Planting more trees, flowers for bees,
Fruit and veg sharing, café repairing,
Green home grants, allotment plants,
Air source heating, foundry woods meeting,
Cycle byways, hedgehog highways,
Do what you can, it depends who you are,
Send emails, petitions, or give up the car,
Contribute less to aeroplane trails,
Send politicians demand-action emails,  
Small steps, and spread the word,
Do the action you find,
For you won’t plough a field
By turning it over in your mind
All power to the people of action
All power to the people of hope
One point five degrees, one point five degrees,
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock

About Matt Black

Matt Black is a semi-retired professional poet who loves to use poetry to help (for free, of course) with all types of environmental causes. New poems, readings, performances, campaigns etc.