Clean Air Day

We supported national Clean Air Day in 2021 by working with AQMesh who installed 5 air quality monitors at local schools in the District. The schools took part by promoting sustainable travel to school and producing various materials to demonstrate the importance of clean air; these involved hundreds of children taking part in clean air day activities.

Children stood outside of their school pointing at an air monitor

We've supported Clean Air Day each year by sharing messages on our social media channels about the effects of poor air quality, and ways we can all improve it.

In 2024, we're working with Kenilworth Town Council on a Clean Air Day event on Sunday 16 June, featuring a traffic-free active travel loop, a bike powered band, food, drink and plenty of information on improving air quality.


EcoFest is Warwick District Council’s own event which aims to engage people on a range of health and wellbeing topics including physical activity, reducing your carbon footprint, healthy eating and exploring green spaces.

Over 8,000 people have attended the event since it launched in 2019, with attendees engaging in conversations about climate and the environment and being encouraged to pledge to do ‘One Small Thing’ that could reduce their carbon footprint.

Close up of an 'EcoFest' sign

Electric vehicles

We have gradually been introducing electric vehicles to our fleet, specifically targeted at service areas that undertake a lot of travel as part of their function. The teams monitoring car parks, parks, planning applications, the cleaning and maintenance of Council property, Housing officers visiting tenants and Community Wardens all make use of these vehicles, significantly reducing the Council’s carbon impact.

Close up of an electric vehicle with Warwick District Council logo and 'Follow our lead' logo

Europa Way housing

Warwick District Council has worked with Vistry Group, Darren Evans and Corstophine + Wright Architects to build 54 affordable and net zero carbon social housing units built on a new development at Europa Way, Leamington Spa. Homes were fabric performance, thermally efficient to high standards, in addition to having air source heat pumps (ASHP), photovoltaics (PV) and waste water heat recovery (WWHR) systems.

New housing with solar panels on the roof

People’s Climate Change Inquiry

Warwick District Council undertook a People’s Climate Inquiry which saw members of the public talking about the issues that mattered to them and providing the Council with a series of recommendations to aid the district in becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

A random selection of 5,000 residents were invited to take part, with over 500 responses received. Thirty residents were selected reflecting the district’s population in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, geography and attitudes to climate change.

They met over a series of ten sessions to discuss important issues, share ideas and generate recommendations.

Screen capture of an online Zoom meeting showing various people in individual screen windows

St Mary’s Lands cycle link

In partnership with the County Council and Sustrans, Warwick District Council managed the creation of a new traffic-free cycle route which connects to existing cycle routes, ensuring that cyclists have a safe and direct route that allows access to green spaces and the town centre.

Group of people stood together on a cycle path, some holding bikes

Tachbrook Country Park

Warwick District Council are leading the creation of a new 50-hectare country park that stretches between towns and villages in Warwick district. The site will include habitats for wildlife including meadow grassland, orchards and wetlands; allotments and community food growing areas and stretches of woodland.

Open expanse of green space with trees in the distance

Trees For Our Future

Warwick District Council have undertaken an ambitious programme of tree planting in the district, with the aim of planting 160,000 trees – one for every resident of the district.

Working in partnership with the Woodland Trust, Forestry Commission, Warwick Tree Wardens, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, businesses, schools, community groups and town & parish Councils, the project team will be facilitating a number of schemes to encourage both small- and large-scale planting on Council and third-party land.

Two people stood in front of a newly planted tree